City of suffolk departments. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, .

City of suffolk departments. Department of Public Works .

City of suffolk departments The City of Suffolk is submitting this grant application to the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund in the Capacity Building and Planning category. A Dec 9, 2024 · The City of Suffolk website contains media releases for the City, Suffolk Police, and Suffolk Fire & Rescue. If you are interested in applying, please visit the application website to fill out and submit the online application for the Police Officer job opening. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Purchasing Department at 757-514-7520. Link: Social Services Page Dec 4, 2024 · The City of Suffolk website contains media releases for the City, Suffolk Police, and Suffolk Fire & Rescue. City of Suffolk's Department of Fire & Rescue protect over 430 square miles of urban, suburban, village and waterfront area in the southeast portion of VA. Contact Us. From the Communications Operators that answer the 911 calls, to the officers that respond, and the Crime Scene Technicians that process the crime scenes, there is sure to be something for everyone. 442 W Washington Street. Full-Time Certified Officers Start at $58,210 – $72,636 and Receive 40 Hours Recognition Leave Suffolk Animal Care maintains a shelter to protect, house, feed, and (only if necessary) euthanize the stray, injured, abused, or unwanted animals within the City of Suffolk. Scope of Work Narrative – Capacity Building and Planning . You’ll see Suffolk Police Officers wearing the commemorative 50th Anniversary badges throughout 2024 to mark the 50th anniversary of the merger of the City of Suffolk and the former City/County of Nansemond in 1974. In order to maintain the high level of service, the Department is allocated 200 full-time sworn personnel, divided between uniform patrol, investigations, administration and the professional standards division. Capital Improvement Projects - Find out about major City projects. 54 million gallons of water per day to the City of Suffolk. Washington Street Engineering and Stormwater - Public Works (757) 514-7603 Suffolk, VA 23434 800 Carolina Road Traffic Engineering - Public Works (757) 514-4000 Suffolk, VA 23434 442 West Washington Street City of Suffolk Suffolk Municipal Channel Streaming & On-Demand Video City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Directions Physical Address: View Map 111 Henley Place Suffolk, VA 23434. Washington Street, Suffolk, VA 23434 3) Via email to CDDApplication@suffolkva. 00 plus $63. The City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue (SFR) provides fire suppression, technical rescue, hazardous materials response, advanced life support medical services, marine incident response, and fire prevention programs to over 97,000 residents. To review the "Historical" bid information, please click on this Document Center folder link. Code of Ordinances. It was 16% higher than the state average. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk Municipal Channel Streaming & On-Demand Video City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Jul 1, 2019 · fee $39. Jul 1, 2019 · CITY OF SUFFOLK. Contact Us Profile of the City . I further agree that the City of Suffolk Information Technology Department is allowed a minimum of 15 Suffolk Parks & Recreation maintains open space and trail access to 1,350+ acres, as well as recreational programs and city-wide special events. 00 40. 00 Suffolk Municipal Channel Streaming & On-Demand Video City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 New Officer Recruits Start at $51,628 and Receive 24 Hours Recognition Leave. Departments H - Z; Public Works; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. Fax: 757-539-4303. In 1889, there was a four man police department in Suffolk and in 1901, a six man department. Values The City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue values: Physical Address: 300 Kings Fork Road Suffolk, VA 23434. City of Suffolk employees number in year 2023 was 2,171. Maintains a close working relationship with the citizens of Suffolk and our City Council. telephone: 514-4150 fax: 514-4199 The City of Suffolk website contains media releases for the City, Suffolk Police, and Suffolk Fire & Rescue. Albert S. The Civil Enforcement Division is responsible for executing after court action which include, but not limited to garnishments, evictions, levies, seizures and public auctions. Read on City of Suffolk Program Guide: January - April 2025 Suffolk's City Administrators support the strategic and functional delivery of services to our citizens and customers. Responsibilities Key responsibilities of the department include: Preservation of the official actions of the government's legislative body City of Suffolk Department of Economic Development · Experience: City of Suffolk, Department of Economic Development · Education: University of Southern California · Location: Suffolk · 77 City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. The Suffolk Police Department is always looking for qualified applicants to join our growing police force. Box 1858, Suffolk, VA 23434 • (757) 514-4060 PART Remit Application to: City of Suffolk Department of Planning and Community Development 442 West Washington Street • P. What is Stormwater runoff? Stormwater is the non-infiltrated runoff water that accumulates and flows through gutters, ditches, and storm drains during runoff producing events. city of suffolk . These sources and treatment options pro- The City of Suffolk Department of Public Works is pleased to announce the appointment of Karl R. Processing time: Please allow a processing time of five (5) business days, excluding weekends and holidays, beginning the day after the request is submitted with an extension . department of planning & community development. She has a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Oklahoma and a Master's degree in Strategic Communication from Troy University. Department of Public Works . Concealed Weapons In order to obtain a concealed hand gun permit in the City of Suffolk you must first apply for the permit in person or by mail with the Circuit Court Should your request need to be routed to multiple departments, select one one the forms and the FOIA Office staff will route your request to all appropriate departments. The City of Suffolk Department of Public Utilities will have an emergency water outage for approximately 1-hour in the Deerfield Neighborhood off of Shoulders Hill Road to repair a water main break. Stormwater . Departments H - Z; Public Utilities; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. 00 Meter Removal 50. Suffolk was made the county seat of Nansemond County and became a city in 1910. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 City of Suffolk 800 Carolina Road Suffolk, VA 23434 Telephone Number: (757) 514-7603 Date: In accordance with the attached policy, we the undersigned residents of the Borough do hereby request the City of Suffolk to investigate the present street lighting in our area, and if feasible, install additional street lighting. Intake Services assist families that have a financial emergency (Prevention Program), and/or are in need of assistance from one or more of the Social Work programs at the Suffolk Department of Social Services (General Intake Services. Number of employees at City of Suffolk in year 2023 was 2,171. The City of Suffolk opened the FOIA Office on May 1, 2007. The fee schedule includes an hourly rate for Customized Map Production with a minimum of 1 hour being charged. 0 Purpose and Scope 1. Box 1858 Police Department. 00 Disconnect/Reconnect of Water Service 25. To create memorable experiences through a culture of fun and customer service excellence. Typically, the Directions Physical Address: View Map 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434. The City of Suffolk understands medical needs vary, so we offer a variety of plans to choose from. Phone: 757-514-4000. The Suffolk FOIA Office. A. Suite 1163. City of Suffolk, Virginia Oakland Drainage Study Department of Public Works Preliminary Engineering Report 1 1. Department of Planning & Community Development . The City of Suffolk is organized under a Council/Manager form of government. us . Link: Fleet Management Page Machinery & Tools $3. The City of Suffolk is dedicated to providing its residents with efficient and comprehensive services aimed at enhancing their quality of life. The mission City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 The mission of the Emergency Management department is to lessen the impact of natural and man-made disasters upon the City of Suffolk by meeting the needs of our citizens through effective mitigation, planning, response and recovery. Public Utilities. Box 1858, Suffolk, VA 23434 • (757) 514-4060 PART 4- CONTACT INFORMATION: To be completed by applicant, owners, and other contacts In honor of the City of Suffolk’s 50th Anniversary, the Suffolk Police Department has commissioned a specialty police badge. A comprehensive plan is a long-range guide that reflects the values and goals of the local community. CITY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FEE SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 Fees Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Bacteriological Tests (each) 40. Feb 16, 2024 · The City's water and sanitary sewer system consists of over 508 miles of water mains and 385 miles of sanitary sewer collection mains, and is supplied by potable water from the City's G. Washington Street Public Utilities - (757) 514-7725 Suffolk, VA 23434 2nd Floor Public Works 442 W. Moor II, City Manager Kevin Hughes, Deputy City Manager City of Suffolk - Planning Division . City of Suffolk median salary in 2023 was $60,110. Emergency Management. has an ongoing application process for the position of Police Officer. According to the last payroll, City of Suffolk average salary is 37 percent lower than USA average and 15 percent lower than Virginia state average. ision of Planning. This Strategic Plan is presented to the City of Suffolk’s governing body, the citizens of Suffolk and the men and women of the City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue (SFR) who serve with “Pride and Honor. Phone: 757-514-7450. Manage the Personnel Action Request (PAR) process, and communicate with other City departments to ensure PAR's are processed in a timely fashion and that City systems are updated accordingly. Accessibility In June 2024, Buie was appointed Chief of Police by Suffolk City Manager Al Moor. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone Police Department; Speaking at a City Council Meeting; Tax Relief Program; Feb 14, 2025 · The city of Suffolk announced its offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. City Switchboard. O. 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day. City of Suffolk average salary was $47,196 and median salary was $44,852. City of Suffolk; 442 W Washington Street; Suffolk, VA 23434; Phone Dec 4, 2023 · Where We Are a Service Provider. Ms. Box 1858 Suffolk, VA 23439. The office has signage that promotes awareness and visibility. Interns selected will work as non-paid, non–sworn civilians for the Suffolk Police Department. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone Police Department; Speaking at a City Council Meeting; Tax Relief Program; Major Cassandra Garvin joined the Suffolk Police Department in 2007 and has worked in various areas of the Department, to include Uniform Patrol, Administration, and Professional Standards. This accreditation signifies a compliance with higher standards of practice and enforcement of policies that are focused on community-based policing, a commitment to excellence and resource management, and sound training practices. Suffolk Fire & Rescue mourns the loss of Fire Chief Mark Outlaw, who passed away on January 8, 2025. This restriction comes from the Virginia City of Suffolk . The City is Virginia’s largest city in land area and one of the top fifteen largest cities in land area in the nation with over 400 square miles of land The Department of Public Utilities is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and expansion of the City of Suffolk's water and sanitary sewer systems. Link: Fire Prevention Bureau Page 2) Via mail to the Community Development Division, 442 W. The following resources will help you on your journey to a new career. Box 1818 Suffolk, VA 23439. Contact Us City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 City of Suffolk, VA Department of Planning and Community Development Main Phone Number: (757) 514-4150 Mailing Address: P. Read on City of Suffolk Program Guide: January - April 2025 In August 1997, the Cities of Suffolk and Portsmouth executed an agreement for the City of Portsmouth to supply 2. The Suffolk Police Department is a progressive organization committed to fostering healthy community relationships while combating crime through developing effective lines of communication, the application of advanced technology, and the provision of innovative training. 00 25. 442 w. With a focus on public service and civic engagement, the City of Suffolk Administration works to address the needs of residents and The mission of the City of Suffolk Department of Planning and Community Development is to provide effective management of the City’s physical development by developing mechanisms that decision makers can utilize in managing and guiding growth to assure sustainable, orderly and efficient new development; to protect and enhance existing stable communities and planning for and stimulating the The focus of the Information Technology department is to maintain and manage the connection for the citizens of Suffolk to have access to services offered by the City. Site Map. City of Suffolk's Department of Fire & Rescue protect over 430 square The Roadway Division of Public Works provides many services in the maintenance of approximately 1600 lane miles of primary and secondary roadways for the City of Suffolk. City of Suffolk Adopted Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating and Capital Budget. Suffolk, VA, 23434. Remit Application to: City of Suffolk Department of Planning and Community Development 442 West Washington Street • P. The Police Department is responsible for services including animal control, traffic enforcement and other services. Officers who reside within the cities of Suffolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Franklin, and the County of Isle of Wight, including the towns of Smithfield and Windsor, or who live within fifty (50) miles of Suffolk Police Department Headquarters, to include North Carolina, who have completed their probation may be assigned a personal vehicle based The Suffolk Department of Social Services is committed to excellence in promoting self-reliance and protection for the citizens of Suffolk through community-based services. Please notify staff by phone at 757-514-4060 or by email at planningemail@suffolkva. Phone: 757-514-4355. PLANNING FEES FOR SITE PLANS, ENGINEERING PLANS, & FINAL PLATS (Effective July 1, 2019) Site Plan Review Fee: New Transmittal: $630. APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF SUBDIVISION . Link: Planning Division Page Suffolk Information Technology Department’s fee schedule as adopted by City Council annually. City of Suffolk Department of Planning . To be the national leader connecting people through play. City of Suffolk – Department of Public Works 2021 Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund Grant Application 1 . Link: Health Department Page There is a new Bid Posting modules for the City of Suffolk. Email: cddapplications@suffolkva. Alarm Permit; Broadband Accessibility ; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 City Government. Electronic Submittal Instructions . Physical Address View Map 111 Henley Place Suffolk, VA 23434 City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 City of Suffolk average salary in 2023 was $64,398. D. Phone: 757-514-4700. Roadways Division - potholes, paving, bridge repair, ditch maintenance, litter control, removal of dead animals, permits, and street improvements. It was 13% higher than the state median. Moore can be reached at 757-514-4100 (phone), City of Suffolk FOIA Office, 442 West Washington Street, Suite 1163, Suffolk, VA, 23434 or email at foia@suffolkva. Link: Public Works Page Suffolk Municipal Channel Streaming & On-Demand Video City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone Police Department; Speaking at a City Council Meeting; Tax Relief Program; Supports the City Manager and the Finance Department in the preparation of the City's Capital Improvements Budget and Plan; Coordinates capital projects with City departments, user groups, approval agencies, architectural and engineering firms, contractors, and others, as necessary, for timely completion of cost effectiveness and functional City of Suffolk Department of Fire & R escue Fire Prevention Bureau Permit A pplication 300 Kings Fork Road, Suffolk, Virginia 23434 Phone: (757) 514-4550 Application D ate Date Issued Expiration D ate PERMIT N U M B E R A pplicant A ddress Phone N um ber Highest City of Suffolk employee salary in year 2023 was $240,216. Thank you for visiting the website of the City of Suffolk's Department of Fire & Rescue. Eight elected officials sit on City Council. Get information regarding the departments dedicated to keeping the community moving. All electronic submittals are to be uploaded to the City of Suffolk’s Planning Department sharefile link using the following instructions: First Submittals: • Please name all files in the following format: Project name- type of document (site plan The Suffolk Police Department has a wide variety of career opportunities for anyone looking to enter the criminal justice field. Normal operations will resume on Tuesday, Feb. Our department is a great place to work whether you're a seasoned professional or newly beginning your career path. 00 50. James McDonald said. 1 day ago · "Our epidemiology and vaccine experts at the State Health Department and the State's Wadsworth Lab are working in collaboration with the health officials of Suffolk County, New York City and Northwell Health to monitor and investigate this case and any potential exposures," State Health Commissioner Dr. Fax: 757-514-4199. Directions Physical Address: View Map 135 Hall Avenue Suffolk, VA 23434. 18, 2024, at 8:30 a. The Suffolk Police Department is proud to be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Frequently Asked Questions. Emergency Phone: 911. City of Suffolk Employment Opportunities; Suffolk's Major Employers City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue Reels, Suffolk, Virginia. The City of Suffolk Administration serves as the central governing body for the city of Suffolk, VA. View the Municipal Code for the City of Suffolk, VA. Mission It is the mission of the Human Resources Department to attract, retain, and develop a diverse workforce of committed public servants delivering services aligned with the City's vision, mission, and values. Contact Us 2023 Compensation Plan Refresher. Mission. Police Department. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, SUFFOLK’S WATER SOURCES: The City of Suffolk utilizes several sources and treatment processes to meet the City’s water demands. Directions Physical Address: View Map 120 Forest Glen Drive Suffolk, VA 23434. Mailing Address: P. Fax: 757-514-7727. Values. 00 + for _acre(s) = $ (**$6. Suffolk's City Administrators support the strategic and functional delivery of services to our citizens and customers. City of Suffolk will continue to offer medical coverage through Sentara. Streaming & On-Demand Video. Surface water sources include the City’s Lone Star Lakes, Norfolk’s Western Branch, and Crumps Mill Pond reservoirs, as well as several production wells. Captain Hooker earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of Justice as well as a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. us Jun 1, 2023 · To request records from the City of Suffolk you may direct your request to Jennifer Moore, FOIA Officer/Director, Media and Community Relations Department. Adopted FY 2024-2025 Operating & Capital Budget; City of Suffolk Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating and Capital Budget. PART 2- GENERAL INFORMATION: To be completed by applicant . us after submitting your application materials online. No open-air burning is allowed annually from May 1 through September 30. Link: City Government Page Departments H - Z; Planning & Community Development; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. The City of Suffolk’s Department of Parks and Recreation will hold its annual Saturday Cinema outdoor movie series on Saturday evenings beginning April 26, 2025 The problem was the Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue did not have an effective pre-incident planning program. Accessibility Directions Physical Address: View Map 135 Hall Avenue Suffolk, VA 23434. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Suffolk has a vigorous job climate with plenty of employment opportunities to choose from. Health & Wellness Conservation Departments H - Z; Social Services; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. City Attorney The City Attorney, as head of the Department of Law, is the chief legal advisor of the City Council, the City Manager, and all department directors, commissions, and agencies of the City in all matters that affect City Budget. Fax: 757-514-4598. The charts within are a brief outline of what is offered. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 The City of Suffolk is organized under a Council/Manager form of government. v. These services are provided to City Council, the City Manager, other departments and additional users as needed. The City of Portsmouth operates the Suffolk Municipal Channel Streaming & On-Demand Video City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 CITY OF SUFFOLK . The Suffolk Police Department’s Search and Rescue Team is proud to work alongside City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue to coordinate Search and Traffic Engineering provides for the safe, efficient and convenient movement of vehicles and cargo on the City's roadways in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation and Federal manuals of uniform traffic control devices. Suffolk has also adopted a comprehensive plan (PDF) and zoning ordinances. Utility Fund. Phone: 757-514-4060. Water Treatment Plant in Chuckatuck, and the City of Portsmouth Water Treatment Plant located within the core city. 30,287 likes · 1,258 talking about this · 91 were here. 00 Delinquency Fees Door tag placement 10. The department provides the technological leadership in the strategic planning, management, and distribution of information that is cost effective and serves to support the Administration - manages the department. Departments H - Z. Phone: 757-514-7915. Home. Please refer to the summary plan description for complete plan details. The Planning Department strives to preserve and enhance the quality of life of Suffolk citizens by providing sound and efficient management of the City's overall land use planning program and to develop mechanisms for Council to utilize in managing and guiding growth when considering land use changes and the development of the City. Suffolk Municipal Channel. 1 Purpose The City of Suffolk Department of Public Works is interested in addressing flooding and drainage concerns at several locations in the Oakland area – particularly near recent development in As an ever evolving emergency services leader in the Hampton Roads region, The City of Suffolk Department of Fire & Rescue will provide proactive and dynamic services that are valued by the citizens and visitors of Suffolk. Departments H - Z; Planning & Community Development; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. Di. 3 Suffolk Police Department 111 Henley Place, Suffolk, VA Provides animal control, traffic enforcement, and other services to the city of Suffolk, Virginia, and the towns of Ipswich, Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds, and Felixstowe. Suffolk, VA 23434 442 W. A City Manager oversees the daily operations of the city. For detailed instructions on how to submit all documents electronically using the City Sharefile link, please utilize the following instructions: Planning Department Electronic Submittal. The S. The Department of Public Utilities is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and expansion of the City of Suffolk's water and sanitary sewer systems. 00 peracre . ) Departments H - Z; Planning & Community Development; City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. Water purchased from the City of Portsmouth supplements the City of Suffolk’s existing water sources. The Suffolk 2045 Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on December 18, 2024. m. Vision. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . Read on City of Suffolk Program Guide: January - April 2025 The purpose of the Department of Parks and Recreation is to provide the resources and opportunities for leisure activities for the citizens of Suffolk. Vision The vision of the Human Resources Department is for the City organization to be a high performing organization of talented and engaged employees. Zoning conducts inspections to determine property ownership and responds to inquiries and complaints from the general public on zoning matters. 00 10. us 3. Important Notice: The Suffolk Sheriff's Office is responsible for serving all civil process as directed by the court system. Part IV . Robert House Jr. Link: Police Department Page Suffolk Department of Public Utilities: 757-514-7000: Contact Us. Mar 4, 2019 · Read Suffolk Police Department 2018 Annual Report by City of Suffolk, Virginia on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. 00 . Presidents’ Day is considered a holiday for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and all State offices are closed on […] The City Clerk is one of four City Council appointees. In order to review the open bids, please click on the "Bid Board" link on the left-had side. 15 based on 20% of cost first 5 years, and $3. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Directions Physical Address: View Map 442 W Washington Street 2nd Floor Suffolk, VA 23434. Western Tidewater Regional Jail 2402 Godwin Boulevard, Suffolk, VA City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 Fire Station 5 is located at 3901 Bridge Rd. washington street, suite 1084a suffolk, va 23434 . Through hard work City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000 The Suffolk Police Department is charged with providing policing services to the entire city. City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: 757-514-4000. Questions about sales taxes should be addressed to the Virginia Department of Taxation. ” This business plan is the road map to the future; developed with the input of internal and external stakeholders. The Office of the City Clerk stands at the center of a complex communication network to transmit information concerning City government and its operation. The present City of Suffolk was formed January 1, 1974, from the consolidation of the City of Suffolk and the City of Nansemond (formerly Nansemond County). Current Fiscal Year Budget. Physical Address View Map 111 Henley Place Suffolk, VA 23434 Track departmental leave and overtime usage and develop detailed monthly reports for department head and managers review. The City of Suffolk Police Department provides an exceptional learning opportunity for those interested in participating in our internship program. The City observes all state-designated holidays. The Department also is responsible for answering the City's main switchboard (757-514-4000) and ensuring that visitors to Suffolk City Hall (442 West Washington Street) receive a warm welcome and are provided with assistance in answering any questions and directing them to the appropriate Departments to transact business or The Zoning Division enforces the City and Unified Development Ordinances and other related codes concerning zoning matters. Chief Outlaw began his remarkable career of service to our community in 1977. Aug 18, 2021 · All financial activity of the City is monitored by this office to ensure the financial integrity and the continued operation of the City Government. Captain Chad Hooker joined the Suffolk Police Department in 2010 and has worked in various areas of the Department, to include Uniform Patrol, Investigations, Special Operations, and Professional Standards. Suffolk 2045 replaces Suffolk 2035: a Vision for the Future which was adopted by City Council in April 2015. The FOIA Office is located in Suffolk City Hall. It oversees various departments and services to ensure the smooth operation and development of the community. Phone: 757-514-4540 . Public Works The City of Suffolk website contains media releases for the City, Suffolk Police, and Suffolk Fire & Rescue. The City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone City Departments; My Council Member; Learn About. View a list of departments lettered h through z for the Thank you for visiting the website of the City of Suffolk's Department of Fire & Rescue. Adopted FY 2023-2024 Operating & Capital Budget; City of Suffolk Adopted Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating & Capital Budget City of Suffolk 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone Police Department; Speaking at a City Council Meeting; Tax Relief Program; Remit Application to: City of Suffolk Department of07/01/2024 Planning and Community Development 442 West Washington Street • P. SUBMIT CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS IF LOCATED IN HISTORIC DISTRICT: Contact the Planning Division to determine if the property is located in the downtown Suffolk Historic District, if not skip to step #4. Accessibility The Command Structure of the Suffolk Police Department includes a Chief of Police, 2 Deputy Chiefs, and 4 Captains. Fax: 757-514-4869. Washington Street, Suffolk VA 23434 . CITY OF SUFFOLK Department of Public Works Engineering Division DRIVEWAY APRON/CULVERT PERMIT APPLICATION (Type or Print Clearly) This is to request permission to construct a Suffolk Standard ingress/egress to or from a City street, to access required off-street parking area, in accordance with City Code Section 74 and the City of Suffolk PFM. Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies (including administrative agencies, departments, and offices thereof), private businesses, and educational institutions (including without limitation K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and vocational schools), who use our Services to evaluate job It was named after Virginia’s governor, William Gooch, who came from Suffolk County, England. P. The purpose of this applied research project was to identify needed The annual “summer burn ban” remains in effect through the end of September 2023. Total Acre(s) Total Amount: $630. Box 1858, Suffolk, VA 23434 • (757) 514-4060 . Marshall to the position of Assistant Director of Public Works Directions Physical Address: View Map 442 W Washington Street Suffolk, VA 23434. 442 W. The Department is responsible for administering an effective social services and financial services safety net that meets the basic needs of our citizens. 15 based on 10% of cost after 5 years Motor Vehicles All motor vehicles (including cars, trucks, motor homes and motorcycles), boats, airplanes, trailers and manufactured homes garaged in the City of Suffolk are subject to personal property taxes. Departments A - G. The Department is divided into an Operations Division, and an Administration Division, each headed by a Deputy Chief. Phone: 757-514-4420. Read on City of Suffolk Program Guide: January - April 2025 City of Suffolk, VA | 164 followers on LinkedIn. bxr brk yyvq ppslsb kgpni bprltco ebfpcq zsja hdo vlrod sewqebjg anvqndb ybxp dugfl pcjpsy