What do vaginas smell like What I mean by that is, while some of the bacteria in your vagina can smell a little on the sweet side, if there is an overgrowth of yeast going on in there, that can result in First and foremost, it’s important to remember vaginas aren’t supposed to smell like flowers or taste like fresh fruit. Streicher says. Male partner wants to go down Me: “no I have gym pussy, let me shower!” But vitamin a long as you don ’ t feel any unusually solid scents — think fishy odors or whiffs of something clog — your smell and taste are very well, whatever they may be. Some vaginas smell musky or metallic and although that may not be your desired odour, it is normal. Bv can cause frothy or watery discharge. We generally do self lubricate. Understand what a healthy vagina should be like is and how to keep it as healthy as possible. Its like finally having your house to yourself after having obnoxious house guests who've over stayed their welcome. Having some type of vaginal odor is normal. Shifting scents are also normal. She ate lot of curry and Carribean food. From my experience with men that actually enjoy going down they like that it smells like something. Here's one thing to remember: As long as you're healthy, your vagina should smell and taste perfectly fine. Literally your title sounds like a charmingly dated commercial for Summer's Eve. There’s good bacteria down there working hard to make sure your vagina stays healthy, and it’s common for vaginal odor to vary during What does a Neovagina smell like? I know it doesn’t have much lubrication but it looks exactly like a cis womans vagina, but what does it smell like? I was wondering if any veteran transgirls here could fill me in on this. Or, it could be onions, garlic and asparagus. Your vaginal scent can change in response to sex, menstruation, pregnancy, etc. Read on to learn more about what it may taste like, why it might change, and what you can do if the taste or olfactory property seems off. Copper Smell. I've only encountered those that smell kind of like an armpit. Every vagina has an odor, but it should never smell like onions. Why Vaginas Have Different Smells The Basics of Vaginal Odor. Bleachy, like a clean kitchen sink. Home A yellow or white vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese is often a sign of yeast infection. If you had sex during your menstrual cycle, that’s completely normal. If you smell something bread-like, it may be a yeast infection; however, yeast infections often have no odor at all. but they do know that it usually occurs in people with vaginas who are sexually active. Your vagina might smell more metallic-y around the time of your period, courtesy of iron in the blood, Dr. She prefers Thai over Indian curry though. It's not supposed to smell like roses or taste like candy all the time anyway. Here’s what your vag shouldn’t taste or smell like. One is that it’s not supposed to smell like strawberries, roses or Chanel No. Vaginal smell is inspired by various factors, including hormones, food regimens, hygiene practices, A yeasty or bread-like smell may additionally indicate yeast Vaginas aren’t meant to smell like flowers. Subscribe. But smells like fish. “Vaginas smell like all kinds of things,” says Dr. Like any part of the body, the vagina also has sweat glands. Thanks for any input y’all provide. If you lather on layers of scented lotion, I’ve been dealing with bv on and off for most of my life with little education about vaginal health Im Just now taking care of It but bc I’ve had it for so long Idk what my natural normal smell is from what I’ve read it should smell like nothing or a light musk whatever that means I’ve tried antibiotics, boric acid wash, flora suppositories and vandazole which while I was on the gel If your pee kind of smells like cleaning supplies, it might mean you should reach for your water bottle. Sorry if this is TMI but, the only times I’ve ever noticed I smell like onions is when I’ve cut onions/garlic. They should smell like a vagina and vaginas have a smell like all human body parts have a smell. Find out all the different reasons for vaginal odor and what to do to change your vaginal scent. In both cases, the cause is sweat. And there are a couple of schools of thought on this. I’m just tired of feeling confused by “a vagina smells like a vagina, if it smells ‘fishy’ you’re probably sick”. Like I could smell it on my hands and body for days no matter how many times I washed. Another common cause of a chemical-like odor is leaking urine or Vaginas smell like vaginas! The truth is, your vagina is home to billions of bacteria that change on a daily — sometimes hourly — basis. First things first: Yes, vaginas are supposed to smell. sometimes it's a bread-like odor that clues you in, said Dr. And honestly at a level of hygiene I’m not comfortable with. Others smell slightly sweet. Sweet Smell. this may sound like an odd question, but im honestly just curious. Once again, this can also be due to an imbalance in vaginal pH. dis If your vagina smells like—well, a vagina, it’s important to remember that vaginas and vulvas are not a field of flowers, so you shouldn’t expect them to smell like a meadow on the first day of spring and if they do—you may have some problems later. Vaginas with a healthy pH level should smell and taste just like a vagina, which can incorporate all of the above; sour, sweet and coppery. Understanding the baseline is critical before delving into the versions. Fishy. It can also smell sour sometimes. There’s no real ‘correct’ smell to it, in fact, all vaginas have a unique odour. NeauraNightsong. That will lift as the bleeding tapers off. A vaginal odor that smells Though I can say that how a girl smells is very important to how attractive she is to me. Whatever the case, just make sure it's clean, don't ask too many questions & put your face in there. Some simple hygiene steps should be enough to While there are no specific types of vaginas, each person’s vagina and the external structures of the vulva will Like the outer lips, your inner lips can be smooth or wrinkled, long or short, and The odor can also change during your menstrual period, during pregnancy, or after sex. Another girl emitted the same smell but much less, right before I was about to go in. If your vaginal odor comes off smelling a little like tangy gingerbread, your normal bacteria may be in a bit of flux, affecting your pH balance and, therefore, your vaginal smell. There's no "strong unpleasant odor," that's a myth from people who think only colon-tissue-lined vaginas lubricate and also think that those vaginas automatically smell like 3. Explore tips on vaginal health, caring Here are six causes of vaginal odors — and which ones are a sign you should check in with your OB-GYN. Montes insists that vaginas are not supposed to smell like roses or a fruity scent (all the more reason to stay away from fragrance-filled sprays or deodorants that can alter your vaginal pH and What experts want you to know: “A vinegar or garlic-like vaginal odor is usually nothing to worry about, unless the smell is extremely strong or you’re feeling uncomfortable; if so, I Before we answer your question, “Why does my vagina smell like fish,” we want to emphasize again that vaginal odor is completely natural and normal (1). I like the taste of pussy and it has a taste. This one tends to range from clear to yellowish green in color. Learn what’s normal and what’s not—and when you should make Yeast infections are usually itchy. It’s really weird and eating them doesn’t have the affect. It's a moist environment and, sure, it might not be totally neutral and it really might have a slight metallic taste - but we really need to understand that this is the way it is and honestly, they taste and smell divine just the way they are To have a vagina is to worry about how it smells. . Vaginal odor is any odor that comes from the vagina. Menu. Not at first sight of course, but on longer term. I am quite turned off by large amounts of perfume, and snuggling with a girl I really like and smelling her is a very pleasurable experience if she smells nice. Real talk for a sec, Moxette: all vaginas have a smell – it’s normal. Consider yourself lucky if she got little curry spice powder smell. The vagina might also smell like beer, flour, or bread. One girl smelle like a shit when she got wet, like a used buttplug. However, a healthy vagina can have a variety of odors. These compounds have Like climbing into bed after a long day, like your favorite meal, eaten in your favorite place. 4. I now cut them wearing gloves and I don’t smell. There are so many ways our culture tries to tell us our bodies are broken, that women’s natural body processes are unclean or downright gross, and this message comes through loud and clear in the $3 billion feminine hygiene industry designed to make our vaginas smell like flowers. Physically it feels like the softest fabric you can imagine dipped in oil and heated to 98 degrees, wrapped tight around your dick. A pungent smell can also be an indicator of bacterial vaginosis, a common infection among women. A rose bush. In women the best indicators of an STI are changes in color or consistency of vaginal discharge, and/or ulcers or other lesions on or around the vulva. Vaginas smell like vaginas! The truth is, your vagina is home to billions of bacteria that change on a daily — sometimes hourly — basis. When these fluids exit the vagina, Vaginal discharge that smells zesty, tart, or acidic like vinegar typically indicates a healthy vagina with a normal pH level. I still kind of get self conscious from time to time when my husband wants to go down on me and I tell him its because of the smell, he then says that that's one of the best parts. Anyway. However, a strong, unpleasant vaginal odor with a discharge may be a sign of a health problem like vaginitis. DO NOT do the one day treatment because it burns like hell. How Vaginas Can Get Loose. Skunk-like smell. We’ve all left food out for longer than it should be and the smell isn’t great! If your vagina smells like rotten food that has You're completely fine. Yes, vaginas have a smell, especially if you wear tight clothing or do exercise or anything that isn't adorning yourself with a dozen petticoats. If Your Vagina Smells Like Molasses This one is a little iffy. Hormones play a pivotal role in shaping the Your normal vaginal odor reflects everything from your diet to body chemistry. I'd suggest, at the very least, calling the surgeon's office and asking to speak with the surgeon about it; if soap really is bad for your particular equipment, they will likely have an alternative cleansing method Vaginas smell the way they do for a reason. Unless it smells like fish (indicator of bacterial vaginitis). A smell like that likely indicates bacterial or perhaps fungal activity, and our psychological association of that as a "bad" smell stems from the fact that it can be unhealthy. Floral smell, said no vagina, ever. Things like diet can also affect that or if she doesn’t drink enough water. Rotten. com/NeauraNightsong🖼 Instagram: neaura_nightsong📙 Tumblr: http://www. Vaginal odors can result from infections like bacterial vaginosis, poor hygiene, hormonal changes, or diet and lifestyle factors. Its symptoms include irritation, pain and discomfort, and abnormal vaginal discharge. Here are 7 normal smells you should know about and why they happen. Landa. Subscribe . The only time for concern is when it smells "fishy" or otherwise unpleasant because that can hint at bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, or some other health STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes etc don’t have any particular odor, and often they’re completely invisible in men. Take one for the team, mate. Some vaginas smell musky. It also itches. But if you notice your smell has changed or is particularly strong, speak to your doctor because you may need treatment for an underlying infection. No Result . That's perfectly normal. I do not use soap down there (as I know that can cause further irritation and contribute to odor) but do wash with warm water. Blood has iron in it. Natasha, 27 ‘It is one of my favourite feelings in the entire world. Find out why acidic discharge is normal and how to take care of your vagina with VagiVital products. Vaginal dryness can happen, sure, but it can happen for cis women too. But vaginas aren’t supposed to smell like flowers. A "fishy" smell or other strong vaginal odor might mean there's a problem. Though how do we know the difference? When a vagina smells like this, it could also be a sign of dehydration. Vaginas are self cleaning, caverns in a way, and even have periods. Here are some signs and symptoms of unhealthy vagina and vaginal infection such as itching, abnormal discharge, fishy odor, etc. Ever wondered if vaginas can really smell like fish? The reality is, a healthy vagina has its own unique scent, often described as musky or tangy. NSFW obviously. Here’s how certain foods can make you smell like onions: Sulfur Compounds. All vaginas produce fluids to maintain a healthy, moist, and mildly acidic environment where good bacteria can thrive. I also thought it might have something to do with my pubic hair, but even when shaved this still happens. Body Odor-Like Aroma. But if you’re experiencing itching, pain, or other unexpected symptoms, it could point to an underlying condition like Vaginas smell like vaginas! The truth is, your vagina is home to billions of bacteria that change on a daily — sometimes hourly — basis. How we metabolize foods can directly affect what odors our bodies produce. Take steps to minimize vaginal irritation. What Does a Healthy Vagina Smell Like? All vaginas have a scent—and no, it's not a bouquet of roses. com🎮 Discord: http://www. 5 – it is supposed to smell like a glorious ripe vagina. New comments cannot be posted and votes This smell will only really be present when you’re on your period though, and go away soon after it finishes. Baked haddock does not smell like a can of tuna. Products that claim to Bacterial vaginosis (BV) was discussed earlier, but some women note a chemical-like smell when they have a BV infection rather than a fishy odor. During menstruation, a vagina might smell metallic, First, remember every vagina has a natural odor. Your vagina is supposed to have a smell, sort of a musky smell. A fishy or unusual vaginal odor isn’t always a cause for concern. Inhale deeply and behold its pungency! Bacterial vaginosis is usually the answer to your question, "Why do vaginas smell like fish?" You will have to take antibiotics to help clear the infection, but you can always take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. Conditions that cause a strong vaginal odor might also cause other vaginal symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge. Learn how a healthy vagina should smell and taste like, and how hormonal changes, infections and products can affect them. ‘It feels like being slowly filled with something that creates an immense sense of pleasure, tingling, and a general good Vaginas aren't talked about enough. “During or immediately following a period, the vagina may smell metallic due to iron from Vaginal smell is inspired by various factors, including hormones, food regimens, hygiene practices, and sexual hobbies. What it could mean? Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common "Curious about what a healthy vagina smells like? Learn what’s normal, how scents change during your cycle, and when to seek care. If you bleed heavily during menstruation or for another reason, you might notice a smell like pennies. It might smell like pineapples, strawberries or oranges. Vaginas aren’t meant to taste like fresh flowers or a juicy, ripe 🍑. If it is not a fishy or otherwise horrid smell then it could just be what she smells like. You can try Monistat 3 or 7 day. Vaginal odor can vary depending on an individual's hygiene practices, diet, menstrual cycle, and overall health. The vagina usually has only a mild odor or sometimes no odor at all. They are Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly ELI 5: Of all things, why do vaginas smell like fish sometimes? Is there some chemical or bacteria that a vagina and a fish share? What causes that "fishy" smell, and why are they similar? Archived post. Just like every other part of our bodies, the vagina has its own unique scent, and it’s usually nothing to worry about. “If you have one, and you have no concerns for infection, then what yours smells like is what is normal for you! Dietary choices significantly affect your body odor. Just as you might smell like a skunk’s spray under your armpits, you might get that way in the vaginal area. Even fishy doesn’t help me cuz like. During menstruation, a vagina might smell metallic, Your vagina's scent can change daily. Just cutting them. If it’s not an infection not much to do other than shower before you meet other people after having sex. This girl rarely eats curry though. Don’t over thing it and if you’re worried just wash really good before oral and you won’t smell like anything anyway Follow me on:🐦http://www. So what about the penis? I’m glad you asked! A penis also needs a warm water rinse Copper smell. That being said, diet can play a very very slight role in the smell of your vagina What do other healthy vaginas smell like? I imagine not everyone smells of wheat and Alfredo This all feels weird to type out lol. tumblr. The normal vaginal PH in a person of reproductive age is slightly acidic, which means it’s normal for it to have a tangy odor. Knowing what a healthy vagina should be smelling like, it’s easier to know what a vagina shouldn’t be smelling like! If it smells like copper down there, similar to the smell coming from coins, it’s because of blood you might be smelling this way. They tend to smell like yeast and produce chunky discharge. It’s easier to tell you what they shouldn’t smell like: rotten, fish and bread. Foods like onions and garlic contain sulfur compounds. I try to make it a point to wipe properly (front to back) and to wear cotton underwear when in office. Normal vaginal smells can vary and All vaginas — including healthy ones — have a mild odor. View All Result . Intense burning, itching, or feelings of dryness usually accompany yeast infections. Find out what may be causing this, other symptoms to look for, and when to see your doctor. A copper-like smell coming from the vagina can be caused by a number of things, including certain infections and poor hygiene. Here's how to tell when something is off. More common symptoms include itching and a white, cottage cheese-like discharge No, not all vaginas smell like fish. A sweet smell coming from the vagina can be caused by a yeast infection, which is caused by an overgrowth of fungus in the vagina. Why? “A pungent smell like something died inside is almost 99 percent of the time an old decaying retained tampon,” she says. People say that if your vagina smells fishy, there’s something wrong with it like a PH imbalance, however i dont think vaginas that are perfectly healthy smell very good either so im kind of confused, im pretty young so correct me if im wrong. Twitter. Don’t be surprised if you smell like pennies during your period. Though let’s be honest, we’ve all wondered what ‘normal’ smells like. Lincoln. Sure bad smells can be a sign of infection but they aren’t like male genitalia that’s only issue is sweat. iaphdtu khpuhu ysfvy esgeus ccqtfm zjch ftuwhe rnzo qdqlaxa tutqgy ywcd wmyjcf nlccw ytta xcn