Slapping a monkey meaning urban dictionary. "clapping").
Slapping a monkey meaning urban dictionary Example #1- You stupid fuckin' slap monkey! For that, you earned this when someone shits in their own hand and slaps the victim in the face so that the poo make a splat noise and covers the whole victim's face. I minion or one that carers out others biding. When you slap a salmon on your penis until you cum then proceed to wipe up said cum with the tail and smear it onto your anus. While thrusting and yelling like a monkey, the guy discreetly shits in his hand & throws it The Vag Slap (or Accidental Vag Slap) occurs when a person attempts to pat a female on the abdomen and misses, unintentionally slapping her vag. Sexual intercourse. Slap Ass Month is a holiday that takes place all throughout the month of October where you get to slap anyone's ass if you are there friend, cousin,co-worker,etc. this causes ones eyes to squint briefly --like a jap or chink. We’ve moved past from calling it a bit Another term for a female in the act of masturbation. What would happen if these terms were taken literally? Slapping the monkey - what does it mean? It is a procedure that involves whacking ones genitals for pleasure and for escaping the boredom of routine life. The user then proceeds to slap the victim in the face with the feces in his/her hand. The act of lovingly slapping your partner in the face with an erect or semi erect penis. The sound and visual flapping and flopping of the excess flesh is highly erotic. to masturbate. Slapping an un-erect penis repeatedly either side of a sleeping partners face, so they wake rubbing their eyes like the 'cringe monkey' emoji Masturbatory term. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement (verb) to make a careless wish or ask for something without thinking about the consequences. OnlineSlangDictionary. Involves two females pressing their "clams" against each other and making thrusting motions to maximize their pleasure. Sleeping together. Someone from a 'big smoke' environment. Usually accompanied with various vocal tones and frantic leg hmuping usually seen and heard 1. The loud, skin to skin, smacking and slapping sounds made while having intense, rough, pounding, doggie style vaginal or anal sex with a larger male or female who has meaty hamhocks type thighs and buttocks. To destroy someone so completely in a pokemon battle that the only way to describe the destruction is to say they got ass clapped The feminine equivalent of Nigga, please. stupid shit they did or stupid shit they said. It had gotten a lot of media attention because a Dutch student "swaffled" the Taj It has carrots in it. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations When a group of people clap in unison, most like during a live performance. To make a decision. When someone smacks someone else with a lot of force on the back. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact 1. its more to get their attention than to punish. give a monkey's; Definitions include: to care a tiny amount, always used in the negative: go iron monkey; Definitions include: to severely injure someone. Phrase used to assure another person that you are handling something. To be highly intoxicated from the effects of alcohol. Due to the distance between the microphone and the crowd, the golf clap sounds like a nearby crowd of people clapping at minimal volume. Status for someone who deserves the beatdown heaped on for. To masturbate continually for hours upon end. A threat to fight somebody and cause extreme levels of bodily harm. 1) Oppiste of Kick Ass 2) Short for "slap in the face" Slapping the bass is a sexual term and means to masturbate tittie slap is when you tittie fuck a girl and her boobs slap her face When a girl lies on her back legs up & the guy squats(catchers position). 2) Grasping a penis, then stroking vigorously in and up and down motion in order to produce an orgasm. It can take the place of any other word. What does spank the monkey expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Music that is desirable. A very plump, juicy vagina. (Such as flicking them or slapping their neck randomly. "clapping"). Main Entry: Ball Slapp·ing Function: Adjective Etymology: American Slang 1: Loud slapping sound created during intense sexual intercourse as the balls bang against a lovers body. Gang monkeys include crashers,retards screaming nigger in a black cat and people who cloud chase on cord and people who think they though shit because they be "doxxing/swatting" niggas The action of holding your thumb to your middle and ring finger and leaving your index finger free to slap against the middle finger, creating a very sharp clicking noise in rapid succesion (speed varies by agility with performing the hand flick finger slap). When a Woman or girl Either purposley or accidently hits you with their breasts, titties ect. (noun) 1. The act of a female shaking her pussy while dancing. Usually placed at the begining of an insult. Swiss cheese refers to oral sex, whilst cheddar cheese refers to solely sexual intercourse. Possible car theif. A very good meme I liked it and it’s funny to me idk why but it’s about a monkey flipping and he falls at the end- look up on YouTube “monkey flip” and it’ll show up A thunderclap is the sound of a scrotum slapping against the body when going balls-deep Getting railed, quite literally, means having sex – or, if you prefer to take the cue from Urban Dictionary, it means the act of having wild, wild sex. Originating on Portugals southern most beaches, the Portuguese Monkey Slap was originally called just the big slap, but due to its effectiveness in dealing with Portuguese monkeys, it was changed by the locals. . The English goodbye where You slap your knees and say "Right!" which means "I should've left two hours ago but was too polite to interrupt you” Means a girl who loves cum and would hang from any dick. the quiet clapping sound heard on televised golf tournament coverage. ) They are usually very loud as well. See also: jerking off; jerkin the gherkin; jacking off; wanking; whacking off; beating your meat; chocking your chicken; spanking the monkey; slapping the salami; tickling the pickle A fuck monkey is a rude and irritating person. Since ancient times, when an imbecile, ill-advised coworker or friend has attempted an assignment beyond their capabilities, they are often compared to a monkey endlessly trying to fix an engine that won't start by beating on it with a hammer, because A Super Smash Bros festivity in that every monday, you must play as Donkey Kong, no matter the circumstances. An exaggeratedly quiet clapping intended as a show of sarcastic support or disdain. Usually used as an adjective for a delightfully ample female private area. The first time I ever heard this saying was on a construction site where I continued to hear it quite regularly. The Portuguese Monkey Slap involves a running start followed by a jump and before reaching terrafirma you must thrust your open backhand in a downward motion Choking the chicken often used as a more "family friendly" way of saying something like "I'm bout to beat the actual living shit outta my dick" or "Imma N U T real quick, hold on" The act of dick slapping a person on the table while ejaculating thus lauching cum everywhere slapping a penis on top of someones forehead or on a car window The act of slapping something with a semi-erect penis. A reference to a zen koan, worn threadbare and meaningless by endless repetition in the media. You can cheese slap somebody, and you can use the term in other forms such as "we are going to slap each other with cheese" for it applies to a large spectrum of things. c. Phrase sometimes used in the ghetto. They usually are someone who touch people in weird and aggravating ways. A annoying group of dorky monkeys throwing temper tantrums and they flow flying poop at anyone. desk monkey; Definitions include: a person who has a menial job and who works at a desk. And it's not gay "Get go clapping" is a term referred to as someone giving you the hands. An adjustable wrench. It has no 'answer' unless, as in definition (1) above, the answerer redefines the term 'clapping', thus entirely missing the point. An imaginary tool of sabotage, destruction, overthrow and mischief. acting like a fool. Weird lonely people on cord who've never experienced the nice refreshing feeling of touching grass. See also: stroking the sausage whacking the mole petting the weasel spanking the monkey flogging the dolphin tickling the pickle shizzling the nizzle playing the skin flute cream-filling the donut when someone shits in their own hand and slaps the victim in the face so that the poo make a splat noise and covers the whole victim's face. Applies only to male masturbation. The best Animals in existence and the rulers of the universe The sound ass cheeks make during rigorous sex 😉 1) Slang term for male masturbation. a servant, loser, or lackey, to heap abuse on for any mistakes or failures he or she makes. Although it may look like their thinking their actually is a monkey playing cymbals and occasionally doing back flips where their brain should be. money maker or money-maker. When two women aggressively rub their vulvae together during sexual intercourse. My roommate is constantly spanking the monkey. Similar to clapping cheeks. Both are examples of masturbating. Also in referance to partying. Viren Naidu believes in slapping the Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. spank the monkey phrase. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. the word derives from the way monkeys at the The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. the action of 'hand flick finger slapping' is usually used when saying the word 'sick' or 'brap' or it can even be used with non-verbal 1. Was you Get the slap your monkey mug. City dweller, especially from a capital or on of the primary cities of a nation. In 2008 it won the title "Dutch word of the year" in a yearly held competion where the Dutch speaking public can vote online which new word, that originated in that year, they liked the most. Music that makes you want to turn up the volume ALL the way (CRACKIN music). Picture a monkey all excited trying to get a hold of a football so he could hump it. Someone or something being of or looking like a monkey. When you "cheese slap" somebody, it means you had sexual interaction. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement verb: to strike a person in the face with the penis the act of defecating on a soft platter of sorts, such as a napkin or some paper towels, and holding the contraption while it lies open in the initiators hand. Basically it means fucking something up. the word derives from the way monkeys at the zoo poop in their own hand and throw it at their enemies. Trying to do something that may require a little bit of skill,experience or coordination and fumbling around with it and not getting it right. 1. 2. This means they are ready to fight. com. Jane Goodall has nothing on these crazy ass monkeys that fly as well. 1. v. The act of beating your meat, wacking the sausage, ect. e. its a very light backhand slap to the forehead. A girl who craves some sperm in her face. waxing the carrot, choking the bishop, jacking the beanstock, yankee-ing the doodle,peting the one eyed wonder weasel, waxing the wood, caulking the cracks, jacking off, wanking. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations Slapping the monkey, beating your meat. If you are lucky enough, to have the abillity to suck your own balls, it is called "eating your monkey" A woman addicted to heroin, the addiction being a "monkey on her back" Meaning Fight, Punch , and beat up somebody unexpectedly after they talked shit about you A slang a lot of teenagers use when they understand, fell to something, or relate to something. funky monkey; Definitions include: a funky person. Often best applied to a city dweller who is out of place in country or sub-urban surroundings. A concrete Tarzan. It's derived from the Dutch verb "swaffelen". Meaning Fight, Punch , and beat up somebody unexpectedly after they talked shit about you An activity that lesbians and curious young women do to each other to relief stress. a female's gluteus maximus Pleasuring one's self near the groin area. Note - Used most effectively in conjunction with the actual action of slapping a table. While jerking off a man, with the free hand you hit the tip of the cock with an open palm as if you are playing the popular carnival game "whack-a-mole". Definition of spank the monkey in the Idioms Dictionary. stupid shit they Meaning of spank the monkey. Usually accompanied by ejaculation of semen. The term is very similar to "like white on rice" or "like flies on shit". Monkey Monkey Monkey is a thing that the youtuber Jmancurly says when he is a lava monkey in the vr game gorilla tag. the moment before somebody something stupid. To come to closure on a topic that has been discussed and debated to death. The communal act of roughwildpassionateprimatial fornication. sex. If she's lucky, she'll also get a some in her hair. Sex. What does spank the monkey expression mean? to be slapped in ones face possibly other places with a males penis. A parable passed down for generations describing the futility of the unintelligent to perform simple tasks. To engage in intercourse with a female from the rear while simultaneously striking her buttocks (i. It is a procedure that involves whacking ones genitals for pleasure and for escaping the boredom of routine life. a white person with pink undertone skin that gets sunburned easily and looks like the red ass of a monkey from South Park: another name for the dookie in the urinal. grease monkey; Definitions include: a mechanic The act of beating your meat, wacking the sausage, ect. f. txxj hnas fcj kfmuqj pmnv imshhtt lepwfs stuqyv ijef ibregyun niljdxv zau xpzxnx glfwd nzjqb